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Antonio Bias
Assistant Principal
Mirla Martin
Temporary Professional I
Juanita Morgan
Food Services Worker I/6 hrs
Dorothy Pinder Wright
Teacher - Vocational
Melvin Leynes
Teacher - Secondary
Rocelle Leron
Teacher - Secondary
Paola Isasi
Paraeducator - ESOL
Paris Lancaster
Staff Associate/12mth
Mairim Argueta
Teacher - Secondary
Donshay Wilson
Teacher - Secondary
Ashley Dixon
Temporary Professional III
Nicole Harris
Teacher - Vocational
Jesse Lall
Teacher - Secondary
Christopher Scott
Teacher - Secondary
Aliza Zenilman
Literacy Coach - 12mth
Shada Brown
Temporary Support III
Radha Nunna
Teacher - ESOL
Brianna Spain
Teacher - Special Education
Chad Shumaker
Teacher - Secondary
Felicia Graham
Teacher - Secondary