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Michele Cherry Smith
Teacher - Vocational
Lori Anderson
Teacher - Secondary
Phyllis Coley
SS HS Guidance Counselor
Tifini Harold Stewart
Assistant Principal
Wandra Chaney
Special Education Paraeducator
April Black
Special Education Paraeducator
Pamela Childs
Assistant - Special Education
Tarmara Moore-Smith
Assistant - Special Education
Mia Chapman Fisher
Teacher - Lead
Tavonne Graves
Custodial Worker I/12 mth
Terry Kendall
Library Media Specialist
Catherine Owens
Food Services Worker I/6 hrs
Corey Johnson
Teacher - Secondary
Laura Brown
Special Education Paraeducator
Michele Stokes Sterling
Teacher - Vocational
Steven Hinnant
Teacher - Vocational
Marlo Johnson
Special Education Paraeducator
Darnell Reed
Assistant - Special Education
Lynn Rhue
Educational Associate/10mth
Dara Hendricks
SS Related Services Provider I