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Maria Quintana Duenas
Teacher - Secondary
Patricia Whiting
Assistant - Special Education
Charlotte Mc Cown
Food Services Worker I/6 hrs
Rondy Vick
Teacher - Secondary
Camille Basoco
Assistant Principal
Margaret Moore
Special Education Paraeducator
Tina Queen
Teacher - Secondary
Jason Lee
Teacher - Special Education
Cynthia Robinson
Teacher - Secondary
Judy Barnes
Staff Associate/10mth
Lee Palmer
Marvin Pendergrass
Custodial Worker I/12 mth
Darlene Swain
Special Education Paraeducator
Kim McRae
Staff Associate/12mth
Renee McKee
Social Worker
Monique Jackson
Teacher - Special Education
Tiffany Webb
Teacher - Secondary
Antoinette Johnson
Special Education Paraeducator
Richard Stasio
Assistant Principal
Tameika Rease
Teacher - Secondary