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Jesse Windham
Educational Associate/10mth
Jahi Robinson
Teacher - Secondary
Thelma Ramos
Teacher - Special Education
Virginia Atherton
Teacher - Secondary
Leonor Rayteran
Teacher - Special Education
Luz Camunag
Teacher - Secondary
Erma Ursal
Teacher - Special Education
Ladimae Biaddang
IEP Team Associate
Shawnette Williams
Shinese Purdie
Educational Associate/10mth
Jodi Barker
Guidance Counselor
Bobbi OBrien
Literacy Coach - 12mth
Loren Miles
Teacher - Secondary
Brother Modlin
Guidance Counselor
Marcus Thompson
Temporary Professional I
Princetilla Martin
Manager I - Cafeteria
Latonya Redditt
Teacher - Secondary
Laurence Russell
Teacher - Secondary
Suze Carter
Educational Associate/10mth
Hannah Sims
Teacher - Secondary