Elementary School Instructional Framework
What happens in pre-k to 5th grade
Children in these grades learn skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and math, and how to apply them to all subject areas. They find out about the world and practice things like working with others and solving problems. They play sports, learn about music, draw and paint, and discover what interests them most. Here’s what you can expect in core subjects at each grade. Ask your child’s teacher for more information throughout the school year.
Click HERE to learn more about the Framework.
2024-25 School Year Calendar

Mary Ann Winterling Grading Guidance
Grading Philosophy: Mary Ann Winterling ES is committed to maintaining rigorous performance and achievement standards for all students and to providing a fair process for evaluating and reporting student progress that is communicated to students and their parents/guardians and relevant for instructional purposes.
Teachers’ Syllabi: Each teacher will produce a course syllabus for each course they teach, which will be distributed to students and families at the beginning of the course, as well as to students who transfer in after the course has begun. Syllabi will be available to students and families upon request at any point in the year, and teachers will provide a copy of each syllabus to department head/school administration for review before the beginning of the school year.
Syllabi will include teacher and school expectations, teacher and school contact information, coach class information, course outline, necessary materials, and grading expectations, including reassessment policies. Syllabi will also include information for students and families on how to access grades through the Infinite Campus Portal.
Use of Infinite Campus: Infinite Campus is the online gradebook tool of record for all courses. Teachers will update grades in Infinite Campus weekly. While individual assignments may be graded in other platforms like Google Classroom, all grades will be transferred over to Infinite Campus at least weekly.
Category Weights: All gradebooks will have the following categories and weights:
Formative Assessments: 50%
Summative Assessments: 20%
Classwork: 15%
Participation: 15%
Teachers (Literacy, Math, Science, Social Studies) will enter 10 Formative Assessments, 2 Summative Assessments, 8-15 Classworks, and 8-15 Participation assignments per quarter. Half of the assignments in each category will be assigned before progress reports and the other half will be assigned after progress reports.
Teachers (Fine Arts, PE, and Health) will enter a minimum of 6 assignments per quarter. Half of the assignments in each category will be assigned before progress reports and the other half will be assigned after progress reports.
Students will not receive a grade for Library or Keyboarding.
To learn more about grading, click the link below...
Baltimore City Public Schools Grading Guidance