School Resources
Students are welcomed into the building at 7:35 a.m. Students should arrive no earlier than 7:35 a.m. in order to ensure that supervision is available. Breakfast is served daily in our cafeteria from 7:35 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Students will enter through the front doors.
Mary Ann Winterling ES is designated as a walking school. If you choose to drive your student please be aware that traffic may become heavy in front of the school. To ensure a safe traffic pattern along Bentalou Street during this time, please pull up to the MAW sign to allow for cars to create a drop-off line. If you need to enter the building, please park in a designated parking spot. Do not leave cars unattended or double parked.
Students who walk to school should enter the front door and report to the cafeteria where they may choose to eat breakfast and wait for their teachers to pick them up and escort them to their classrooms at 8:00 a.m. . Walkers must follow the directions of the crossing guards and respect the property of others as they walk to school.
Arriving on time is important. Students who enter the classroom late often miss important instructional activities. Our classroom instruction begins at 8:15 a.m. Students arriving after 8:15 a.m. will be marked tardy and must get a tardy slip to proceed to the classroom.
Student dismissal will begin at 2:40 p.m. Students in grades PreK-K and 3-5 will be dismissed at 2:40 p.m. from the left side of the building. Students in Grades 1-2 will be dismissed from the doors on the right side of the building near the Bentalou Rec Center.
Bus and Van riders will be dismissed first (2:30 p.m.)to ensure those vehicles exit the bus lane prior to dismissal of walkers and car riders. No other vehicles are permitted to enter or park in the bus lane designated with orange cones.
In an effort to ensure a safe, smooth and orderly dismissal for our entire school community, we will be stopping early dismissal at 2:15 pm daily. If you need to pick your child up early, please either send in a note or call the office prior to 2:15 at 410-396-1385 and we will have your child ready at the appropriate time. Be sure to sign your child out before exiting the building.

Schools may close for the day, open late, or dismiss early if bad weather or an emergency makes it unsafe to get to and from school. Individual schools may also close if they have heating, cooling, electrical, or other maintenance problems. Full-day closings and delayed openings are announced as close to 5:00 a.m. as possible. Early dismissals are announced as soon as the decision is made.
Stay Informed
Families: Get a text message, robocall, or email (update your contact information at school or through Campus Portal!)
Staff: Check your City Schools email, and sign up through Employee Self Service to get a robocall or text
Check this website
Watch local TV stations
Students are not permitted to use cell phones or personal electronic devices during school hours per BCPSS Board Policy JICJ. Cell phones must be collected daily by the homeroom teacher and placed in a secure location or in the Main Office.